Aug 19, 2010

I'm thinking.............

Recently, I'm thinking about a new career.
It doesn't mean I don't like my job, of course, PR is not easy, especially on the luxury industry. But I don't quite sure if I love my life as a PR, or just because it's OMEGA PR........I'm young, I got a looot of things to do, I want to travel, studying abroad, helping people, being volunteer. Even I got a good talent at my job, and I really did well until now, I'm not happy. I'm tired and stressful, I'm complaining a lot, working hard but there is no positive effect to anyone I love, and the place I live. It's all about money, and that's really make my life empty and upset. Still, I will miss my first job and thank everthing I learned and everyone I met.
So today, I make a dicision. Enduring mself being half-hearted, capricious until 25. But only before 25, and then I got to choose a way to go, and being focus on it. I wish I can be more powerful and stronger. Being good to the one I love and the best to this world.